Tag Archives: Ken Dietz

Some good literary dads

19 Jun

This is my first Father’s Day without my dad. I had thought about writing a post about bad dad, but I’m feeling a little melancholy, so I decided to think of some of my favorite dads. They might not be perfect, but they are pretty good.

First, one of all there is Mr. Weasley.


Although he is the sort of dad who can be a bit embarrassing in public, he is a great support to his children, and to those he treats as his children.

Vera Dietz, from A. S King’s Please Ignore Vera Dietz  is another supportive dad.


Chapters titled A Brief Word from Ken Dietz  are surprising, heartfelt, and tragic. Vera and ken;s relationship isn’t perfect, but he is trying, and that counts for something.

Although Matthew Cuthbert is Anne’s real father, he loves her unconditionally.

Unknown-1 Unknown-2

If you haven’t seen Richard Farnsworth’s portrayal of Matthew  in the 1985 Canadian miniseries Anne of Green Gables you should. But be sure to have a hanky handy.

Finally, let me add Mr. Bennet from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice,  who might have one of the best lines in literature. Here it is in a clip from the 2005 movie version, starring Donald Sutherland as Mr. Bennet.