Archive | 5:00 am

The Four-Hour Window

11 Jul

Way back near the beginning of the year, my dishwasher began to falter, then, it failed. For the next few months, I opted to wash the dishes by hands, finding the idea of shopping for a new dishwasher overwhelming. The thought of possibly having to find a sub quickly once the installation date was assigned paralyzed me. I decided the new dishwasher would be a summer project.

The week after school ended, I began the research, made some choices then went in to make the arrangements. A date was selected and I was told that I’d be given a four-hour window the night before the big day.

The message came Sunday evening:

I spent Monday morning in my usual way until the four-hour window began.


Six stops before me.

I do some math in my head. If each stop takes about 30 minutes, that will put them here around 1:30. I take Richard for an extra walk. He usually sleeps very deeply after lunch, but I want to be sure it happens today. I have an early lunch, just in case my calculations are off.


Four stops before me.

After lunch, I often nap alongside Richard. I ate lunch early, but feel ready for a nap at my “usual” time. I dare not fall asleep. Snuggled on the bed with Richard, I try to read, but feel distracted. I put on a new episode of one of my favorite YouTube knitting presenters and pull out my knitting. Two things to keep my mind focused.

Halfway through the hour, a message arrives: only two stops before me. I move Richard’s bed and water bowls to make it easy to move things in and out.


Only one stop before me.

The phone rings. I anticipate it is the delivery team, but it is not. It is a reminder of Richard’s appointment with the allergist later this week.

1:25 – Team dishwasher arrives!


Removal and installation begin. A test run reveals no leaks and all is working as it should. The work is finished in just over 30 minutes. Now, I need to dirty some dishes so I can try it out myself

Here are the before and after shots: