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I said yes

18 Jul

There’s no way that’s happening, I thought as I read the email from the school district coordinator in charge of student teacher placements. There’s no way in heck that I am having a student teacher this year.

I reached out to my twin sister, a former teacher-principal-assistant superintendent, and she asked, “Why not?”.

Although I had a lot of good reasons to say no, cracks appeared in my armor.

So, I emailed some questions to my principal, CCing the school district coordinator in charge of student teacher placements. I got good info back and set up an interview with the candidate. Apparently we interview now to make sure it’s a good fit.

What began as a Zoom interview, quickly evolved into a delightful conversation. My candidate, a little older than the average student teacher, is starting a second career. I knew a few minutes in what my answer was going to be.

There’s some HR paperwork to do and I need to take a Zoom training for cooperating teachers, but it looks like I’ll have a student teacher this year.