I said yes

18 Jul

There’s no way that’s happening, I thought as I read the email from the school district coordinator in charge of student teacher placements. There’s no way in heck that I am having a student teacher this year.

I reached out to my twin sister, a former teacher-principal-assistant superintendent, and she asked, “Why not?”.

Although I had a lot of good reasons to say no, cracks appeared in my armor.

So, I emailed some questions to my principal, CCing the school district coordinator in charge of student teacher placements. I got good info back and set up an interview with the candidate. Apparently we interview now to make sure it’s a good fit.

What began as a Zoom interview, quickly evolved into a delightful conversation. My candidate, a little older than the average student teacher, is starting a second career. I knew a few minutes in what my answer was going to be.

There’s some HR paperwork to do and I need to take a Zoom training for cooperating teachers, but it looks like I’ll have a student teacher this year.

8 Responses to “I said yes”

  1. Jessica Carey July 18, 2023 at 7:18 am #

    I bet that student teacher will be so lucky to work with you! Hooray for being flexible and open.

  2. Fran McCrackin July 18, 2023 at 9:13 am #

    I know, as is implied in your piece, how student teachers can be a gamble. When I was deciding, once, I read a tribute to a person who matched people to jobs, describing it as a mitzvah to do so, a good deed. It made me realize that we need good teachers coming up and we should put ourselves out there to help them (Or sometimes to help them realize they need to change their career goal.) All to say, I’m so glad you decided yes, and it sounds as if you will really enjoy the relationship.

    • Adrienne July 18, 2023 at 9:30 am #

      That’s some of what went into my thinking as I changed my mind. I thought about the teachers who mentored me and the positive experience I had with two previous candidates.

  3. beckymusician July 18, 2023 at 9:23 am #

    I was very blessed in the cooperating teacher I had years ago when I student taught. Though I learned a lot after student teaching, I still often thought back on the things she taught me and especially of her generosity it mentoring me. I’m sure your student teacher will have a wonderful experience with you.

    • Adrienne July 18, 2023 at 9:31 am #

      It’s funny because as I was changing my mind, I thought about the cooperating teachers I had, and the teachers who mentored me when I started my career. I am thinking of this as a way to honor them.

  4. Trish July 18, 2023 at 9:25 am #

    It seems like work, but having been someone’s protege, I can tell you that it can evolve into an insanely wonderful, mutually beneficial, and productive relationship. As soon as you get your rhythm going, I know you’ll find the same. Already you’re on your way with that delightful Zoom introduction. I am so happy it started that way. She’s so lucky to have you leading the way!

    • Adrienne July 18, 2023 at 9:32 am #

      It was the idea of the work that made “NO” my initial reaction. Once I thought about it and the people who mentored me along the way, it seemed like a good thing to do.

  5. arjeha July 18, 2023 at 3:27 pm #

    Congratulations! That student teacher will learn a lot from you. I had two student teachers and really enjoyed having them and working with them. You will both benefit from this experience.

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