The great cover up

8 May

It is SBAC testing week and the directions are clear: Cover all posters that might students an advantage.

I walk to the paper cart that is parked in our hall ready to rip off long sheets of black. Someone has left several rolls of red atop the cart. Not wanting to be wasteful I take them and staple them over the many writer’s workshop charts up on my walls. I have to stand on a chair to cover the top of the chart. I hope my principal doesn’t see me, I think. She has chastised me before about standing on chairs.

I use up the rolls that I’d taken off the cart and realize I need more. Walking to the paper cart I deliberate. Should I get more red to match the paper that is already up, or default to may original plan of black? I am leaning towards more red for consistency, but, the decision is made for me: there is no black on the cart. I tear off more red and head back to my room to complete the task.

When I have finished I look around the room and laugh. It looks like a bordello! Is that a good testing environment?


4 Responses to “The great cover up”

  1. arjeha May 8, 2018 at 7:35 am #

    I could never understand the reasoning behind this even though I did the same thing for many years. I always taught my students that there are two kinds of knowledge: that which you know and that which you know where to find. In the real world we are now expected to know everything but we should know where to look for answers.

  2. mrspalmerponders May 8, 2018 at 12:48 pm #

    Look at all the wonderful resources you have for your Ss to read their room! At this point in the year, your Ss have what they need to be able to apply the skills you have so carefully and thoughtfully taught. It will feel like Christmas when you remove all of the red! Happy testing! We have 2 days of math remaining next week. Almost there!

  3. elsie May 8, 2018 at 1:22 pm #

    I guess if you’d gone with black it would have looked like a morgue. 🙂 I like the red, but I think it is ridiculous to have to cover up anything in a class. Really, that anchor chart will make a difference? I think not.

  4. Brian Rozinsky May 10, 2018 at 8:40 pm #

    I’d heard that standardized testing makes some educators and learners see red. Based on your blog, I now know this to be true 🙂

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