Finding our direction

22 Aug

A new school year started yesterday with some new administrators and new staff. There are a lot of memes and videos about cringy inservice week staff development, but the PD we engaged in yesterday was great.

In one of the activities we did, we were asked to assign ourself to one of four groups based on our style:

  • North – concerned about the emotional needs of the group and making sure everyone feels seen
  • South – like to jump right in
  • East – big picture people
  • West – like to know the details

I assigned myself to the West group, even though I could also have gone into the East group. Once we started talking, though, I knew I was in the right place.

Over the last several/many years, I feel like we’ve always received the schedule for inservice week by the Monday before teachers’ first day back. Although we’d received some general email reminders from our new principal, we did not get the schedule until Sunday night. He had told us he’d send weekly messages out Sunday evenings. I Googled “evening” and was informed it ran from approximately 6-9 pm. I started checking my email at 4. Once in my group, I learned that I was not the only one.

Once in our groups, we had to discuss a number of things

  • the up and down sides of our style
  • what we appreciate about the other style
  • what people from the other styles should know about us

It was a nice way to get to move around, mingle with people we don’t normally get to see, and find some kindred spirits. It was a nice way to ease back into work.

8 Responses to “Finding our direction”

  1. mgminer August 22, 2023 at 6:54 am #

    I hope you have a great year. I can’t decide if I’m an East or West. Haha.

  2. arjeha August 22, 2023 at 7:46 am #

    I am with you in that I like to know the details of what is going on. I feel more comfortable and in control that way. That doesn’t mean that I can’t bend and go with the flow when there are sudden unexpected changes in the plan. Maybe it is an age thing with me.

  3. Trish August 22, 2023 at 8:53 am #

    This is a clever way to get talk started, also ingenious as a way to put unfamiliar people together. I’m bookmarking this one for a future meeting. (I used Sally’s post, describing the identity work of Tricia Ebarvia in a meeting last week.)
    I learn a lot here—you’re a great teacher! Hope the new year is full of hope and happy —and great socks, of course!

  4. Ramona August 22, 2023 at 7:13 pm #

    Finding kindred spirits, a lovely way to ease back in! (I want the details too!)

  5. Erika August 23, 2023 at 4:12 am #

    I have been in a meeting where we sorted ourselves the same way and it was reassuring to find I was not the only one! Yep, I like my details early (and the evening of the day before would be hard for me!). Glad you felt comfort in your group! Have a great start!

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