Puppy Love: A Slice of Life Story

25 Feb

I am a volunteer with Oregon Basset Hound Rescue. In that capacity I do a number of things including home visits for potential adopters or fosters,  intakes of dogs being relinquished, and meet & greets, where families meet a new dog they are thinking of adopting.

Many people who apply indicate that they want a young dog. I get to tell them that we rarely get puppies and mostly get adult or senior dogs. This week was different though. We have three 3 month old puppies. Mom was a big girl, a 60 lb basset. Dad was a chihuahua. That makes everybody smile as they try to figure out the logistics of how that happened. In any case, a good Samaritan in Eastern Oregon contacted us and brought them to the Metro Portland area so we could find them homes.

We didn’t post them. We would have been flooded by well-intentioned people. Instead, we all thought about our previous adopters, especially the ones who, instead of getting the young dog they’d hoped for, took in an older dog. It was payback time.

Yesterday I went to see the puppies with a young couple who adopted from us in November. I got there a little early and had snuggle time with the girls. Here they are in order: Biscuit, Big Girl, and Trixie.




The couple brought their dog, Benny, who is possibly the most laid back basset I’ve ever seen. They met with the puppies for almost 2 hours, knowing they could always say no, yes, but not today, or take one home. They tried each girl out alone with Benny. By that time I knew they’d say yes to someone. In the end they took Biscuit home for a trial period. We always tell people to give it a few weeks before we make things official. So, Big Girl and Trixie are left together, waiting for just the right people to come along. and make them part of their family.


6 Responses to “Puppy Love: A Slice of Life Story”

  1. arjeha February 25, 2014 at 7:16 am #

    How could anyone not say “yes”. I admire what you do. I feel that I would want to take all of them home even though I know it would not be the wisest thing to do.

  2. Jordann Kay February 25, 2014 at 8:47 am #

    Awwww! I love dogs. 🙂 Some friends of ours have Bassets and they are adorable. You are doing a great thing helping these dogs. I’m sure it is very rewarding! 🙂 Thanks for making my day!

  3. Patricia O'Leary February 25, 2014 at 11:34 am #

    You are doing something quite amazing! It warms my heart knowing that these dogs are going into good families with great intentions. You all put time and consideration into each potential adopter to make sure they are going to forever homes and that is something our society doesn’t do enough. Thank you for your work! It is so appreciated! Someday, I hope to adopt a dog but for now I will enjoy my two year old shorthair- Your puppies are adorable and I home both the young and old dogs find their forever homes sooner than later!

  4. elsie February 25, 2014 at 1:55 pm #

    I think I would have taken Big Girl, but they are all adorable. What an interesting combination! I did laugh as I imagined the pairing of the two. He must have been an aggressive chihuahua. 🙂

  5. Linda Baie February 25, 2014 at 4:48 pm #

    My brother ran a shelter through fostering for a long, long time. You’re doing such a wonderful thing, Adrienne. The pics are precious. I think I’ll share with my daughter-in-law who loves basset hounds. Thanks for telling us all about this extra thing you do!

  6. macrush53 February 25, 2014 at 6:25 pm #

    I am happy you are fostering dogs. I just heard on the news tonight that Portland has a ninety per cent plus rate of helping homeless animals.

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