Fresh starts

12 May


A few weeks ago I started 2 knitting projects: a sweater for the OBHR Games and a sweeter for me. Things went wonky with both and I was not feeling really happy about either. I set the OBHR sweater aside so I could think about it for a while. I ripped the other one out and started over. Once I had done that, I knew that was the way to go with the OBHR sweater. So, I ripped it out, too, and started over.

I felt so much relief. I felt like a knitter again, not some sham.

I can’t rip out a school year, but  one of the great things about teaching is that you get to have a fresh start every September. Lessons and units can be fine-tuned. You can push yourself a little more to try something you weren’t comfortable with the year before.

My OLW this year has been shift. There were some things I expected to shift and some things I had hoped would shift.   I feared Fiona wouldn’t be here at this point in the year, but she is. Her body is weak, but her spirit is strong. I asked for a transfer to middle school, hoping to avoid the interview process,  and that didn’t happen. I’ve applied to some jobs, but no word yet. I am working on patience, but I suspect this is a fresh start that just might not happen. If it doesn’t, I will have a fresh start with 4th grade. I jumped into this job just before school began and I started the school year a little off kilter because of the unexpected change. Next year at least, I will start knowing what I am doing.

5 Responses to “Fresh starts”

  1. arjeha May 12, 2015 at 6:13 am #

    As a cross stitcher, my wife is very familiar with “frogging” a project — rip it, rip it, trip it.
    Change is inevitable. Things don’t always work out the way we expect, but they do always work out the way are supposed to. Hope things work out for you.

  2. Kimberley May 12, 2015 at 6:23 am #

    I know JUST what you mean, when I rip out a knitted project I feel more like a knitter who gets the process and not just the result. Teaching is the same way…thanks for that reminder. I’ll think good thoughts about an change you hope for.

  3. Tara Smith May 12, 2015 at 9:36 am #

    Fingers crossed for your next year’s assignment – knowing what it is will help define your summer.

  4. Haddon Musings May 12, 2015 at 10:47 am #

    I liked the comparison of the school year to your knitting – acknowledging when something could be better and getting an opportunity to improve. I hope you get word about an assignment soon.

  5. Dana Murphy May 12, 2015 at 7:19 pm #

    Love the comparison to knitting! What a strong way to enter this Slice. You’re right that even if things don’t go exactly as planned, you can start all over again next year. Maybe it’s just a shift in your perspective you needed after all!

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