
12 Mar

It seemed like a perfect plan.

Earlier this week, Oregon Basset Hound rescue had been contacted by a man in Southern Oregon about rehoming his 2-year-old basset hound named Thor.

Thor1 Thor2

Our adoption coordinator sent out an email to see if we had anyone approved and looking for a young dog. I answered right away, knowing I had the perfect candidate.

I had done Roger’s home visit in January. He’d lost his basset, Sarge,  a while back and was now ready to get a new family member. Roger was friendly,  laid-back and worked 5 minutes from home, so he could check in frequently on a new dog. A great potential adopter. In January, we didn’t have anything for him, but it wasn’t January anymore.

Emails and phone calls ensued and today was supposed to be the day.  We had arranged a midway point where Roger could meet Thor, who was staying with his dad because we had no foster spots available. It would be a three-hour drive North for Thor’s dad, a two-hour drive South for me, and a little more than a two-hour drive South for Roger.

And then it all fell apart.

I got an email yesterday from Thor’s dad saying he’d changed his mind. Crap. I wanted to cry. I wasn’t adopting Thor, but I was really excited about facilitating this adoption. I just knew in my heart this was going to be a good match. Instead, I had to get in touch with Roger, who was, naturally, disappointed. No one likes to give bad news and I felt like I had failed.

Roger gets to stay at the top of our list. I hope we can find another perfect match for him. I wish Thor and his dad all the best.

9 Responses to “Disappointment”

  1. Lisa Orchard March 12, 2016 at 4:52 am #

    I know it’s a big disappointment, but I bet Thor is happy he gets to stay with his human. 🙂

  2. Cindy March 12, 2016 at 5:04 am #

    Definitely a disappointment, but you’ll be able to find him the perfect match. It will just take a little more patience.

  3. jodimahoney March 12, 2016 at 5:09 am #

    Awww, I’m so sorry. It’s hard when you know in your heart you’ve found the right home. This past summer I was working with a rescue for my sister-in-laws dog and they were amazing! Good luck!

  4. Erika Victor March 12, 2016 at 5:28 am #

    It must be a rewarding position- I love the idea of you as a matchmaker. I am glad it got called off before everyone did their driving.

  5. Emily Culbertson March 12, 2016 at 8:43 am #

    That is disappointing, and at the same time, good for Thor that he gets to stay with the family that he knows.
    This makes me think of all those waiting-to-be-parents out there who are on a list of some sort to adopt a human son or daughter. I pray for those people all the time, knowing that they also, meet this kind of disappointment.
    It all makes me stop and think with a grateful heart about my blessings, most especially my sons, but also my four-legged babies too.

  6. elsie March 12, 2016 at 9:48 am #

    So sorry for Roger, but I’m sure the right dog will come along. How can you not love the face of a basset?

  7. Michelle Li March 12, 2016 at 10:18 am #

    I love the pictures, and how bittersweet. I can tell how deeply invested you are in making matches between dogs and humans.

  8. arjeha March 12, 2016 at 10:20 am #

    How heartbreaking when something you think you will be getting is swiped away from you at the last minute. Hope Roger finds his new companioin soon.

  9. terierrol March 12, 2016 at 4:29 pm #

    Sorry the arrangements did work out.. Hopefully another opportunity comes soon.

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