The Rule of Three SOLCS 22

22 Mar

The rule of three popped up a couple of places this week. First of all, three kids left our 4th grade team this week, one from each class. Our staff is anxiously awaiting the birth of the 3rd March baby.I was also touched by three car accidents.

One of our teachers, who happens to be pregnant, was rear ended on her way to school. The office staff insisted she check in with her doctor and called a sub. Her teammates pulled a day together for her sub and the teacher was back at school the next day.

My teaching partner’s sister lives in rural California. Her car went off the road and she was trapped in a river, where she had to wait for a few hours before she could be safely rescued. Her dog was swept downriver and has not been found. My teammate left Thursday to care for her sister who required surgery on her leg.

Finally, I am going to a funeral this morning for a young man who died in a car crash this week. It will be held in the Greek Orthodox Church we both attend. His body was moved to the church last night, where there was a short service, followed bay an all night reading of the Psalms. This is one of my favorite traditions. People sign up to take a one hour shift, usually with someone else. We do the same thing at Easter time and it is a deeply moving experience to be alone in the church with the body of the deceased, praying the Psalms. It is a beautiful way to honor a life, ended too soon.

6 Responses to “The Rule of Three SOLCS 22”

  1. Kathy Douglas March 22, 2014 at 7:37 am #

    What a powerful entry. Made me stop to think about all we have to be thankful for. You have had a stressful time. Hope you’ll have bunches of good days soon.

  2. litcoach64 March 22, 2014 at 7:58 am #

    I love the tradition of reading Psalms all night when someone has passed away. What a beautiful way to end your post.

  3. adriennewiley March 22, 2014 at 8:22 am #

    Goodness, it’s haunting the way these threes build across your piece. Sending you rest and peace!

  4. arjeha March 22, 2014 at 9:59 am #

    The reading of psalms all night is a beautiful tradition bringing a sense of peace and comfort. Here’s hoping that the next set of “threes” will be all wonderful.

  5. elsie March 22, 2014 at 12:39 pm #

    So many tragic events so quickly. It does make one wonder about the 3’s. I hope you experience great things in threes this week.

  6. Kendra March 22, 2014 at 5:04 pm #

    This is such a tragically lovely post. I am moved by the connection to your faith as you process these events. The psalms are some of my favorite writings because they are so honest. Thank you for sharing, and I hope that things will be more hopeful next week.

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